It has been kept in a box, packed away since the mid 70’s if memory serves me correctly. The wardrobe and figure lot includes various styles such as “Campus Capers, ” “Oh La La, ” and Twinkle Toes. What you notice upon closer examination is that some of the original cardboard garment forms remained intact. One cardboard glove form is missing, as is one shoe. The black purse has separated from the purse and has a piece of scotch tape where the clasp would be. (On the plus side, it’s vintage tape, so it has some redeeming value??). Her face is in need of a light cleaning from storage. She is exactly as when removed from being packed away. Small minor stain is also visible on the sweater. Some strands of hair have shedded from her, however nothing significant. Like most, her tail is not there.. But her butthole is clean and undamaged. ? Cleanliness is next to godliness?? Accessories were well preserved; necklace, bracelet, headdress, etc. Black body suit and leggings are impressive as is the tutu. Colors are very well preserved for nearly 60 years old. This also includes several items that are extremely rare and difficult to find in this condition. Look very closely at the pictures, and ask any questions you might have. In 1966, Hasbro, Inc. Produced a fashion doll with the head of a Poodle. Peteena was a “pace setter, ” a “swinger, ” and a bit on the wild side. While many dolls served as a single aspect of self-adornment, Peteena encouraged pampering. Hasbro only produced Peteena for a brief period, but she remains a popular commodity for adult collectors. The impressively preserved set has been waiting for you, the serious collector.